Roadkill Ghost Choir

Our local singer-songwriter Skoob who is also a coach for emerging bands for our region as well as being part of five bands if I am counting correctly, thus a musician and music lover through and through, claimed the other day that as we get older we all start liking Americana. Well, for me this is certainly true.

Is it about the world closing in as you get older that you long for freedom, wide open roads, getting away from it all, starting all over again? Is it that you long for that warmth undermined with sweet melancholy? I am not sure.

Surely though, I really fell for Roadkill Ghost Choir (because of the fabulous name for a start). Their brand of Americana is mixes with rock and a good deal of  psych as well. Add to that good musicians and exceptional lyrics and you have me hooked.

Hooked in the way that I discover more in their songs every time I listen to them and not get sick of them.

Roadkill Ghost Choir hail from Central Florida (maybe not the first place for rock bands that spring to mind) and consist of:

Andrew Shepard (vocals), Kiffy Meyer (steel pedal), Stephen Garza (lead guitar), Maxx Shepard (drums) and Zach Shepard (bass).

After the release of their debut EP “Quiet Light” in 2013 followed touring and even a performance at David Letterman’s. Last year saw the release of their album “In Tongues”.

We will have to wait for them to turn up in Europe (please kindly support them, so we will get a chance to see them over here) but you can listen to their music everywhere, e.g. in my radio show Offbeat on, Thursdays 8-10 pm CET or right here.

Contact them on their web site or over Facebook and/or Twitter (@roadkillghosts).

Here is their outstanding “Beggar’s Guild” with the sweetest brass section.

And this is their latest single “Down & Out” My favourite song is the spiralling, hypnotic “Drifter” for which I could only find this link: So, now I will enjoy the rest of this sunny but cold Sunday afternoon and I hope, you will, too. Time for me to put on some more Roadkill Ghost Choir!