Just a short note

Thank you to everyone who has contacted me and introduced themselves and submitted music for this blog. You make my day every single time. (No, no, the blog is not going to vanish from the face off the earth). As I have written to each and one of you, I would love to do much more on this blog including continuing the introduction of bands and labels, new releases etc.

It has been a long time since I have done that last. Unfortunately additional burdens in the day job and pretty demanding family matters have been playing havoc with my time. It is calming down but I am burnt out.

All the while my radio shows kept going but one thing had to give way and that was the blog. And so it happened that you what you see here mostly, are my playlists for the shows and the odd interview. I intend to resume the full action one day, bear with. And on another note: I do have a couple of short posts planned on past and future events that I would love to share with you. Love you all.